Since joining SBSCA, I am more positive about aging. I don't dread my birthday number. And that mindset is the key to dealing with the challenges of life.

Nadia H.  



“I was diagnosed with breast cancer, moved countries and didn’t know what was happening with my job. I was a mess. I got out of this program; stuff that I didn’t know that I wanted but that I needed. 

Andrea S.




“My entire body ached from my earlobes to my toes. I was disgusted in my body. Now I have my own tool-kit, I put myself first and I love my body in the short AND the full-length mirror.”

Nancy P.

“Before I started working with Sam, I was a shell of my old self. Eventhough I told myself I didn’t have the time or it wasn’t the right time, I took a leap of faith and I am so glad I did”

Lori N.



“Sam is no-nonsense. She’s very knowledgable in women’s health, yet extremely kind in her approach.”

Christine P.


“I learned about Pelvic floor health and as a woman going through perimenopause, that was a revelation to me”

Natasha N.


From Suzanne B:

” Sam saved my life. I had been taking care of my parents and had totally neglected myself. Her program was life altering for me.” 


Check out more testimonials

” Since becoming part of the academy, I have re-built my confidence and have incorporated important life lessons that have shifted my perspective on life. I know know that life is a journey and that achieving a particular thing (be it weight loss, a personal milestone, etc.) does not necessarily bring you long lasting joy. I am not in competition with anyone else - it is my own journey. Celebrating the little things makes life far more enjoyable. And having a community of like minded people to support you along the way (or cheerleaders as I like to call it) is crucial in helping you advance along your journey."

- Liza B,

”I feel more whole, and focused and driven, for all the right reasons. I make myself a priority and continue to remind myself and do things with that goal in mind. I know what I want for myself and what I need/want to do for it. I have a real reason why I want these things, they are no longer just something I should do, they are what I want to do and I know why. I exercise regularly and I do weight training 2-3 days a week and love it. Sam made this very easy to incorporate in my life. I feel good, and I let myself be me, unapologetically and confidently.

-Dawn D.

” I'm on a slow path to self acceptance of my body as it is, Sam is helping with that too by debunking so many myths of diet culture. I take good care of my body by eating well, not depriving myself, and working out, but I may not see the beauty I feel was there in my youth.

It has been nothing short of lifechanging for myself and for my family. Sam creates a playbook you can live by and she breaks it down in very easy to learn modules."

-Laroux P.

If you want to be able to share your own amazing story, book a FREE Discovery Call NOW